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Beauty | June Glambox Review

Saturday, July 19, 2014


While waiting for the delivery of my Summer Glow July Glambox, it occurred to me that I am yet to post my review of the June Glambox.


The box of joy had arrived well before its expected date. And in came goodies and more goodies. The June Glambox included 5 deluxe size samples as well as 2 vouchers:
1. Bioderma - Sensibio H2O 
2. Lolita Lempicka - Le Premier Parfum 
3. Carita - Serum Parfait 
4. Carita - Diamant de Beaute Nuit
5. Shea Mirrage - Shea Butter
6. Voucher for St Tropez
7. Discount Voucher for Namshi.com


1. Bioderma Sensibio H2O: This has been a sensation in the world of skincare for being perfect for sensitive skin. Especially as an eye makeup remover. My first impression of this product was less than perfect. In a rush I had dabbed the product into a tissue paper and it didn't work out well. But on a more relaxed day, I used what normal people use to remove their make, a circular makeup removing pad. This thing is fantastic. Not only did this remove the makeup perfectly but I actually felt refreshed. A definite holy grail item for me. 


2. Lolita Lempicka Le Premier Parfum: I cannot emphasis on how adorable this miniature perfume bottle is. I have just been turned into a collector. The inner 10 year old in me is screaming with excitement. (Am I the only one who has an inner 10 year old who cannot contain joy when coming across the cutest little things?)

Now about the actual product. This is Lolita Lemicka's first perfume launch. Top notes of this perfume is mainly Licorice and you also get a hint of musk and violet. Due to its heavy fragrance, I find it more suitable for the winter wear. 


3. Carita - Serum Parfait (Perfect Serum - Trio of Gold): Its receiving products like these that I love Glambox for. I mean, would you go out a buy a product worth AED1,200/- without being sure if it works for you or not? Being honest here, I would not. When new products are introduced to the market or products that are introduced to a new market, it is quite apt to do a little bit of research into the company. 

The sample comes in small pump bottle. The texture of this product is more like a creamy serum and seems to have some gold specs of dust in them and smells slightly like soap. The cream easily dissolves into the skin and leave it feeling supple and soft. And not to forget, the gold dust leaves your skin shimmering in the light. Due to the specs of gold dust, youthful radiance it is. To be applied once in the morning and once at night.


4. Diamant de Beaute Nuit: This bedtime repair cream maybe the best of the two products I received. The texture is heavy cream which is excellent repair your skin after you have taken off your make-up and it smell heavenly. The product is just luxurious and I was saddened as every squeeze meant it was a little more closer to getting over. Can someone stop me from tip toeing towards the nearest store buying this insane indulgence.


5. I have always been a fan of Shea butter and always will be. Excellent as a skin moisturizer. I use this product on the hands and feet at night before sleep and love waking up to soft hands and feet. 

Hope you have enjoyed this review as much as I loved writing it. Leave me a comment below if you have any questions or any recommendations on using the above products more effectively. For more of such reviews, don't forget to follow my blog or subscribe by email. 

Much Love!

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